Conference Program 2014

9:00-9:05 Welcome      Greg Yates, Camilla Bixler, Dr. Betty Yu, Pamela Wolfberg

9:05-10:00 Keynote Address: Alex Plank

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-11:00: Employment on the Spectrum Panel Discussion: Keith Halperin, moderator; Mike Bernick, Sedgwick Law, LLP;  Brian Jacobs, Emergence Capital; Darlene Rutkowski, Department of Rehabilitation

11:15-12:00 Breakout Sessions

  • Linkedin: A Tool for Autism Employment-Brian Jacobs, creator of LinkedIn’s Spectrum Employment Community-Atrium East Room
  • No-dogma Meditation for Sensory Overload-Anlor Davin & Tom Morrow- Mt. Davidson/Twin Peaks Room
  • Social Thinking-Michelle Garcia Winner – Main Room
  • Becoming an Autism Professional: Dr. Pamela Wolfberg, Dr. Betty Yu, Kathy Small, Courtenay Bell-Gimelli, Timothy Runyon,  Jerred Jolin-Russian Hill/Telegraph Room

12:00-12:45 Lunch- Present your ticket for a bag lunch

12:45-1:00 AASCEND’s Ends Awards

Education Awardee: Michelle Winner; AASCEND Board member, presenter

Networking Awardee : Dr. Clarissa Kripke, Head of Developmental Medicine at UCSF; Mark Jessen, presenter

Development Awardee-SAP; Brian Jacobs, presenter

1:00-1:45 Keynote Address Jose Velasco, Director of Autism at Work, SAP

1:45-1:55 Break

1:55 Entertainment-Stacey Kennedy in Barbary Coast Revue

2:00-3:00 Women in Autism Panel –Paulette Penzvalto, Elizabeth Graybeal, Georgetta Blais , Sabrina Blais, Tierra Tracy, Janis Oberman, Lori Ziemba

3:05-3:50 Breakout Sessions

  • Autism Support in College Programs-Paul Hippolitus, UC; Kathleen Duffy, CCSF; Kaeb Menkar, CIP ; Bryan Fauth, College Link Program, CSUEB-main room
  • Recreation Activities for Autistics-Friends Like Me-interactive session-Pamela Buttery, founder of Friends Like Me-Russian Hill room
  • Interpersonal Communication Styles: Can tools like the enneagram help in autism? Melanie Bell & Kacie Berghoef-Atrium East
  • The Autism Trauma Film and other projects of the Autistic Global Initiative– Paul Nussbaum, Greg Yates-Mt. Davidson/Twin Peaks Room
