Here is an audio recording of the following program (sorry about the hum…).
LIVE AND IN-PERSON-ONLY AT THE SF ARC. It will be refreshing to meet in-person!
On November 16 AASCEND welcomes Dr. Diana Partovi (a late diagnosed autistic neuropsychologist) who will talk about why criticism might feel different to autistic individuals and how to cope with it.
Have you ever had someone criticize you and noticed that it really hurt? Have you found yourself thinking about a conversation or interaction with someone who criticized you over and over (and over) again? Have you ever been criticized for something you don’t think you did and can’t stop thinking about how unfair that is?
Criticism can be painful for anyone, but for autistic people criticism can happen more often, can be more painful, and can have longer impact than it does for neurotypical people. Dr. Partovi will share tips, tricks and tools to manage criticism when it does happen to you. As usual at AASCEND meetings, attendees on the autism spectrum will offer their experience and perspectives throughout the program.
Diana Partovi is a clinical neuropsychologist and Founder of California Neuropsychology Services. She received her clinical training at the VA Health Care System and UCSF and is an Assistant Clinical Professor at UC Berkeley. She specializes in adult assessment of Autism, Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder, Learning Disorders and other neurological differences.
Dr. Partovi is an advocate for neurodiversity in the workplace. She gives over 100 presentations every year to companies (big and small) on neurodiversity, mental health, burnout, caregiver stress and several other topics.
Who: Autistic adults, family members and professional who work with them are all welcome.
When: Sat Nov 16, 10-noon Pacific Time
Where: The Arc SF, 1500 Howard St at 11th St, San Francisco map
Contact with any questions.